Tuesday, September 15, 2009

obama speech;]

So today is Tuesday which means short day although it doesn`t seem like it.
To start off the day, we got to watch the speech Obama addressed to all the children in America.
Although it was released last week , but the school board district didn`t want to show it. They were mistakened. It was better than I expected. He made sense and I got his message. "Study Hard". It was wonderful.
Selena let me borrow Where The Wild Thing Are . Dude, I haven`t read that book in forever!
And the movie looks sooo good:):) Max is my boyfriend:D
In Language Arts, we are reading The Outsiders. It`s a really good book. And I mean it cause I HATE reading. We are reading the last chapter tomorrow. Totally disappointed that Johnny and Dally died. And Ponyboy seems like a crack head.
In history, we switched seats and I sit next to this boy(I wont name him), but he is a total perv. But he is hilarious;]
In the end, was super slow and weird.

No homework(: besides studying):
But like I`m gonna study! Nerds study^^

1 comment:

  1. haha! president obama is awesome! who do u have for history? schroeder or lindsey????
