Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I haven`t been blogging lately.
I dunno why, but i need to get back into the habit!.
I can`t stop talking about the Outsiders(((:
The most awesomest book like ever.And movie.
Anyways, for my Outsiders project, I`m going to do option number 3.
I`m going to paint a scene that may or may not relate to my them.
Your just going to have to wait tehe.
Today was boring as usual.
We had to write songs about matter in science.I didnt sing bahaha.
Grrr., my algebra teacher.

I feel like she favorites students. Like the super smart ones, she can always count and depend on them while she makes thee others feel worthless:(
It`s not a great feeling.
But who cares about her.
3 more days till Fall Break!EEEPPP!
And 7 more days till The Family Force 5 concert!:]
My first concert ever.
I`m going to take lots of pictures.
Anyways, I better get back to homework.
Here are my favorite Outsiders pics.
Hope you enjoy^^