Wednesday, September 30, 2009

favorite outsiders pics:)


I haven`t been blogging lately.
I dunno why, but i need to get back into the habit!.
I can`t stop talking about the Outsiders(((:
The most awesomest book like ever.And movie.
Anyways, for my Outsiders project, I`m going to do option number 3.
I`m going to paint a scene that may or may not relate to my them.
Your just going to have to wait tehe.
Today was boring as usual.
We had to write songs about matter in science.I didnt sing bahaha.
Grrr., my algebra teacher.

I feel like she favorites students. Like the super smart ones, she can always count and depend on them while she makes thee others feel worthless:(
It`s not a great feeling.
But who cares about her.
3 more days till Fall Break!EEEPPP!
And 7 more days till The Family Force 5 concert!:]
My first concert ever.
I`m going to take lots of pictures.
Anyways, I better get back to homework.
Here are my favorite Outsiders pics.
Hope you enjoy^^

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hey! Sorry I haven`t blogged for 4 days.
I totally forgot.
Anyways, I am almost done watching The Outsiders:(
It`s so good.
And the greasers are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT((((((((((:
I love them.
The movie is great too.
I thought Dally was going to be fat and ugly, but it turns out that he is so sexy.
Awh, Ponyboy&Sodapop&Johnny.
Guys are WAY hotter in the 80s than the 00`s.
Anyone agree?(:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

tuesday suesday.

Ello jellos!
Another day.
Today was all good.
Nothing really new.It was pretty boring to just sum it up.
Still so siked that im going to the danceRAWRdance 3 tour!!!((:
I`m also excited because i get to watch The Outsiders movie on Thursday and Friday!
Blah, I have to write an essay up:(
I hate writing and homework. Actually, who doesnt x]
I never told you my grades on my progress report!!
okay,well here it is.

Language Arts-A-

Monday, September 21, 2009

:D YAY!!!!

Monday Bunday(:
What could this day possibly mean??
Uhm, my mom letting me go to the danceRAWRdance 3 tour!!!
I am WICKED happy. I get to see Family Force 5, Breathe Carolina, Cash Cash, iRival, and Queens Club. For 13 freakin dollars!@!!!!
Oh gawh. I am so happy.
I hope I get to meet them.
My friends sister gave birth. (:
Congrats Jennise and Nathan!
Wow, today is a beautiful day.
Cherishing life with coldplay songs. : ]
i love them too!

nite nite peopleess.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

its gettin hot in here !

Today was like a jillion zillion degrees.
Well in my opinion(:
Happy Sunday Bunday!
I`m just watching Karate Kid and chillin on youtube&& FB.
Justin Bieber is my L O V E !!
I didn`t really do anything today besides go to church,eat,and watch Edward Scissorhands and Bring it On: In It To Win It.
I`m gonna eat some ice cream ^^

Saturday, September 19, 2009

family force 5(:

Saturday Maturday[ :
Today was a boring hot day. I went to the park. So boring. And I ate hot dogs:P Their okay.
During the week, Selena introduced me to a band called Family Force 5. They are TOTALLY awesome. And their coming to Diego!!!
I wanna see them, but I don`t know how I`ll get the money for my tickets.
Their 13 bucks.
That`s a reasonable price.
I hope I can go....

Friday, September 18, 2009

blah blah.

Sorry I didn`t blog yesterday.
Its 11 p.m. right now && I really wanna play my game so I`ll make this quick.
Today was crazy-hair day(:
I wish I colored my hair. That would be rockin.
Anyways, it`s almost halloween-ish. And I know what i`m going to be!
I`m not telling though [ :
You`ll have to wait.
Bahhh I want ice cream.
Nite, Sweet Dreams.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Hello. Today was an iffy day.
Possibly boring I could say, but lets not go there.
I took a science quiz. I totally flunked it:0 I think...
In band, we watched Stand By Me. It was funny(:
But sad when the step father was abusing the mom. I almost cried D;
We finished The Outsiders today!!!
It was amazing. Didn`t really like thee ending though. I wish someone else got shot.
Hahaha no offense.
And we get to watch the movie next Thursday:):) Yay!
Anyways, gonna go on facebook.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

obama speech;]

So today is Tuesday which means short day although it doesn`t seem like it.
To start off the day, we got to watch the speech Obama addressed to all the children in America.
Although it was released last week , but the school board district didn`t want to show it. They were mistakened. It was better than I expected. He made sense and I got his message. "Study Hard". It was wonderful.
Selena let me borrow Where The Wild Thing Are . Dude, I haven`t read that book in forever!
And the movie looks sooo good:):) Max is my boyfriend:D
In Language Arts, we are reading The Outsiders. It`s a really good book. And I mean it cause I HATE reading. We are reading the last chapter tomorrow. Totally disappointed that Johnny and Dally died. And Ponyboy seems like a crack head.
In history, we switched seats and I sit next to this boy(I wont name him), but he is a total perv. But he is hilarious;]
In the end, was super slow and weird.

No homework(: besides studying):
But like I`m gonna study! Nerds study^^

Monday, September 14, 2009


I can`t believe it. Patrick Swayze passed away.
I`m not a fan of him, but he was good in Dirty Dancing.
Rest In peace dude.
Anyways, I finally finished my homework.
Well now I have to study for a stupid quiz. Bleh.

I LOVE Justin Bieber(:

crazy picture day(:

Well, hello! I`m back to blogging again! I haven`t done this in a looong time.
Well where should I start?
Today was a crazy day to start off. Filled with lots of boredness. It`s not like every day of school is filled with lots of fun and excitement. Well only boys and friends fill in that space[:
It was picture day and I looked decent, but the stupid lady at the dang photo booth had issues. She told me" Your bangs are bugging me" Really, does it matter?
Reasons why I hate picture day, they judge you, they rush you, they don`t tell you when to smile and treat you like a lousy puppet. They command you to do too many stuff like your Pinocchio. Back off is all I`m saying.
SO much homework. I have a quizzes in Thompson and Lockwood. YUCKK:/

Lets hope tomorrow is a better day.