Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy Sunday!:]
And this is my first October blog writing thingy!
Blah, I don`t really like Sundays. I didnt go to church today because we had a thing called General Conference where you stay home and watch these people talk. It`s not my favorite thing to do, but its good to watch it. I did do that Outsiders painting. Heres how it turned out.

You dig? I started on Thursday. And had to turn it in the next day. 4 hours. And had the help from grandma(: It looks "okay". I also wrote a paragraph description in the back that also took 4 hours. Gah me and the number 4.I had some people comment on it."Crazy,Beautiful,Pretty,I love the rocks,I love the sky,Sick!" Haha;]Let`s hope I get a good grade on it.
OOHHH! 3 more days till the FF5 concert! So excited! Anyways, Selena,her mom, and I are going. Also Selna and I are going to do some covers to some songs so check those out. Ill probably post them on Thursday? But, if you haven`t seen my youtube account, check it out! My users name is thatgirlalanis. Or my other one zomgitsalanis.
I`m mucho hungry, so by bye!


  1. im going to october festival r u?

  2. Sadly, no:(
    I`ve never been.
    Maybe next year...

  3. awh. ya. its actually not that fun. its like its fun when u go on rides but theres nothing to do there. but you should go next year. u might like it.
