Saturday, October 24, 2009


wow..i havent blogged in a while.i dont know whether to stop or not.gahhh, im tired its 12 a.m. boo parade today.not that excited.these people came to school to talk about being drug free.and they played drums on trash was sick.ahh, that guy made me laugh so bad i started crying(: it was the highlight of my day.well, im going to go you all.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

oh gosssh

i feel like i havent blogged in forever0_0
that concert i went to last wednesday, it was off the hizzle.
i have a ton of pictures, sadly i cant share them on here.
but they are on facebook, so if you have a facebook, add me and you can see them :D
best part of the concert, i got to meet Jean Paul Makhlouf :D
i was walking with selena after the concert and i sighed wishing i could meet one of the band members.
as i turned around, i saw jean(:
i couldnt stop saying oh my gosh.then i said oh my gosh its you haahaa.
then he imitated me and said oh my gosh its me!
we laughed.
i was freaking out.
then i asked"can i have a hug"
he said "of course"^^
and we hugged and i almost
then i asked him for a was amazing.
anyways the concert was crazy.all of the bands were amazing(:
it was wonderful.i am still on break.
the concert was the best part.and i think it will stay the best.i worked at a storehouse today.teagan showed up so we got to hang.ill get to see her later on today.
and now im listening to Nickasaur!.hes a god lol kidding.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

check it out!

Check these two hilarious videos we made in church.
We actually made them last year.
They teach two values we were talking about but in a humorous way.
I guarantee you will like them(:

Choice and Accountability(Action) plus++ it has me in it:D


so quick[:

Yeeeeppp! One more day till the concert!
So excited(as you know off)
Im disgusted right now. my mom made me print pictures of people with scabies.
I was about to barf.
Anyways, I`m going to Selena`s house at 5 and we are going to do some covers on the ukulele.
Then we are going to the concert!
I hope I can meet them!
Break has been okay i guess.
Nothing special.
Gotta jet! TTYS!

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy Sunday!:]
And this is my first October blog writing thingy!
Blah, I don`t really like Sundays. I didnt go to church today because we had a thing called General Conference where you stay home and watch these people talk. It`s not my favorite thing to do, but its good to watch it. I did do that Outsiders painting. Heres how it turned out.

You dig? I started on Thursday. And had to turn it in the next day. 4 hours. And had the help from grandma(: It looks "okay". I also wrote a paragraph description in the back that also took 4 hours. Gah me and the number 4.I had some people comment on it."Crazy,Beautiful,Pretty,I love the rocks,I love the sky,Sick!" Haha;]Let`s hope I get a good grade on it.
OOHHH! 3 more days till the FF5 concert! So excited! Anyways, Selena,her mom, and I are going. Also Selna and I are going to do some covers to some songs so check those out. Ill probably post them on Thursday? But, if you haven`t seen my youtube account, check it out! My users name is thatgirlalanis. Or my other one zomgitsalanis.
I`m mucho hungry, so by bye!